Thursday 19 November 2009

Group 4: Day 3 Reflection

Day 3 reflections

During the master class, Mr Carpio taught us the finger sign “<, >” which means crescendo(soft to loud or vice versa). Apart from that, he also taught us the importance of using our tummy muscles to project a louder voice. He mentioned that when singing, we need to breathe in 90% breath unlike talking which requires only around 70% breath. We later had a Q&A session where each section would raise a few questions for Mr Carpio to answer. Lastly, before Mr Carpio left, he sang us a song. It was sung beautifully. We really gained a lot from the 3 master classes we had.

Personal takeaways by the members in the group:

Jolene: We should always listen to each other when we sing to ensure the harmony is good.

Yixuan: We should always take personal responsibility to improve so that we would not pull the choir down and the choir's standard will be raised.

Tongxin: We should always sing with expression. For instant, if we're singing a happy song, we should carry a smile on our face. On the other hand, if we're singing a sad song, it would look weird if we sing with a smile.

Audrey: Always think of how to breath when doing the excerises.

We played some team building games today. The first game was an ice-breaking game while the second game involved us arranging ourselves according to our birthdays without talking to one another. Through this game, we have learnt the importance of communication and listening to one another. Lastly, we had a game that required us to tell a lie and a truth. Through this game, we found out some interesting facts about our friends in choir.

The concert started off with Junyuan Primary School’s performance. Their choreography pleasantly surprised us. We think that our choir should try out some movements in our performances. Secondly, Victoria Junior College’s performance impressed us. Both of the male soloists were able to project their voices clearly. We should learn how to project our voices too. We should vary the volume of our voices to express the song better. This means we need to have better breath control. The fun part was the dancing for the song ‘Nobody’ led by Junyuan Primary School's conductor. We find him very cute.

Posted By: Miss Goh, Jolene, Yixuan, Audrey, Tongxin

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