Wednesday 18 November 2009

Group 3 Day 3 (18th Nov)

18th November
Masterclass with Mark Anthony Carpio.
Today we had our last master class with Mr Carpio. We were taught to vary the volume of our voices from soft to loud and then soft by slow degrees. The word is 'swell' as in swell the note. This made the songs become more richer and livelier. We had a Q&A session with him today to clarify all our doubts and burning questions. We were very anxious to learn how to sing louder and project our voices. We really want to sing well and as beautifully as some of the choirs we have watched.
A word of wisdom from the master himself: if you don't find things challenging, you will not be able to continue to improve and become better at what you do. If it's a new thing, we should challenged ourselves to learn it wholeheartedly. Mr Carpio also drew similarities between choral singing and studies. What we learnt at his masterclasses can also be applied to our studies as well.

Another word of wisdom from him : The choir works on teamwork and the choir can only be as good as the least capable member of the choir. So if everyone is improving and progressing but if ONE person who due to bad attitude, bad posture or lack of practice and concentration, is not doing well, he or she will drag the standard of the whole choir down. We should always strive to be better than the person next to us and only by competing among ourselves and challenging ourselves in this way, we can improve together as a unit.
Friendship Concert The theme for tonight's concert is Pyjamas wear. It's a great idea! It was really hilarious to see everyone dressed up in their best sleeping gear. We got more photos to show you!!
Tonight we were treated again to some really really beautiful singing. The primary school choir seemed so spontaneous and expressive. They started the song lying down with their pillows and soft toys. Then slowly they stood up one by one and the song continues. This is something really very different. Sign.....I wondered why we are not able to do such things. But after discussing this among our group member and Mdm Cheng, we discovered that the reason must be that everytime, when we are required to do something different like clapping, jumping or throwing our voice it's so hard to do because everyone waits for each other and no one dare to start first. We are scared we do wrong and we just want to follow others and wait for others to start first. So in the end nobody does anything.
Hmmm ....This is a learning point for us. The younger children are not so self-conscious and therefore it's actually easier for them to be more expressive in their movements and expressions. being older we should really be more confident!!!! The best thing to do is to put aside our fears and allow ourselves to freely express. So we need alot of practice on this aspect!!

The night ends with a dance to the music of Wonder Girls's 'Nobody'. It's really really a great feeling to see a hall of so many people, students & teachers dancing together.

We are all tired after a long day, time for us to sleep. Goodnightzz !

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